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A disaster recovery (DR) plan is a series of instructions that leads your organization through the process of restoring operations following an unplanned event that prevents the use of its IT infrastructure.
Despite what many may think, a data leak isn’t the result of a cyber-attack. In fact, it’s the opposite.
Cybersecurity continues to be a challenge as adversaries come up with new and innovative ways to penetrate computer networks and steal data.
Cloud providers, hardware vendors, and software developers have teamed up to tackle data-in-use security issues. The result is a security model called confidential computing.
The days where software developers wrote their application code in isolation of any security implications are over.
As long as there have been personal computers, there have been cyber attacks, even in the pre-Internet days of the 1980s.
Security starts with having a well-protected network. This means keeping intruders out, and continuously scanning for potential breaches and flagging attempted compromises.
Application security testing products come in two basic groups and you need more than one. The umbrella groups: testing and shielding.
As developers release their code more quickly, security threats have become more complex, more difficult to find, and more potent in their potential damage to your networks, your data, and your corporate reputation.
The Why Security Automation is Needed for Today’s Modern Business guide discusses the need for automating application security.
What is Docker? Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
What is cPanel? cPanel is a web hosting control panel that provides the simple and effective management of a web hosting server and typically runs on Linux.
What is ModSecurity? ModSecurity is a free and open source web application that started out as an Apache module and grew to a fully-fledged web application firewall.
What is phpMyAdmin? phpMyAdmin is a free, open source, and cross platform PHP-based web application that offers a simple, powerful and convenient browser based GUI for interacting and working with MySQL databases.
What is a LAMP Stack? LAMP is a very common example of a web service stack, named as an acronym of the names of its original four open-source components: the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL relational database management system, and the PHP programming language.
Anti-virus and Rootkit Detection This guide teaches you how to use ClamAV, ClamTK, and rkhunter for anti-virus and rootkit detection to secure your server.
Keeping your system up-to-date with the latest packages and security updates can be a tedious task.
Fail2Ban is an intrusion prevention framework written in Python that protects Linux systems and servers from brute-force attacks.
There’s a good chance you’ve been using SSH (Secure Shell) to access your Linode from your computer.
What is Fail2Ban Fail2ban is a log-parsing application that monitors system logs for symptoms of an automated attack on your Linode.
In the Getting Started guide, you learned how to deploy a Linux distribution, boot your Linode and perform basic administrative tasks.
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